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Spanish, French and Mandarin Chinese Resources (KS3 and KS4)
El pretérito (Simple Past) - VERBOS REGULARES

El pretérito (Simple Past) - VERBOS REGULARES

Powerpoint to work through on what the preterite tense is, the usage and conjugations with examples for each form clearly indicated and lots of practice embedded for students to conjugate each of the verbs correctly for the different pronouns. It’s broken down into very small stages which gives learners ample opportunity to meet the new language and practise it. A scaffolded worksheet gives students ample opportunity to meet new language, manipulate the language using the summary document to help them to complete the worksheet as well as make language their own. Note: Sample answers are included as a separate document.
Beginners Spanish - En el restaurante

Beginners Spanish - En el restaurante

Complete lesson on ordering food and drinks at a Spanish restaurant. PPT with a range of activities. Wordsearch for the Do Now Scaffolded worksheet with ample opportunity to meet new language, manipulate the language and to make language their own. Answers included on the PPT.
Introduction to Latin America Worksheet

Introduction to Latin America Worksheet

Scaffolded worksheet that introduces the Spanish-speaking world. Exercise 1: Empareja las banderas con sus países (match the flags with its countries). Exercise 2: Completa las frases (complete the sentences). Exercise 3: Escucha y rellena los huecos con las palabras más adecuadas. (listen and fill-in the gaps with the most suitable words). Exercise 4: Lee el texto y contesta las preguntas en inglés. (Read the text and answer the questions in English). Homework: Deberes: Investiga un país latinoamericano y escribe un párrafo en inglés sobre ello (research a Latin American country and write a paragraph about it).
GCSE + A level Spanish Presente de subjuntivo (Present Subjunctive)

GCSE + A level Spanish Presente de subjuntivo (Present Subjunctive)

A scaffolded worksheet that fully explains the present subjunctive including the uses and how to form it with the conjugations. There are exercises to work through increasing in complexity to consolidate the student’s knowledge with ample opportunity to meet new language, manipulate the language and make language their own. This worksheet is suitable for GCSE and A level students on both regular and irregular verbs. Answer sheet is also included.
KS3 French Au supermarché (At the Supermarket) Worksheet

KS3 French Au supermarché (At the Supermarket) Worksheet

Scaffolded worksheet designed to give learners the opportunity to learn how to communicate at a supermarket in a French-speaking question with some of the key vocabulary and verbs to use. Part 1: Vocabulary (i) match-up the French with the English. (ii) complete the dialogue with the corrects words from the box. Part 2: Reading Comprehension Read the text and answer the questions in English. Part 3: Translation (i) Translate the sentences into English. (ii) Translate the sentences into French. Extension: Write your own dialogue using the vocabulary from this lesson.
KS3 + GCSE Spanish Los deportes

KS3 + GCSE Spanish Los deportes

A scaffolded two-sided worksheet that revises the use of gender agreements/definite articles, time expressions of frequency and the usages of “jugar” and “hacer”. Ejercicio 1: ¿Masculino o feminino? él o la? Luego, tradúcelas al inglés. (masculine or feminine? Put él or la. Then, translate them into English). Ejercicio 2: Empareja las expresiones de frecuencia. (Match the time expressions of frequency). Ejercicio 3: Escucha a las cinco personas hablando sobre los deportes y completa la tabla en inglés. (Listen to the five people talking about sports and complete the table in English). COPY OF THE TRANSCRIPT IS AVAILABLE FOR EXERCISE 3 subject to copyright - may only be used once purchased. Exercise 4: Ejercicio 4: Lee los texto y haz las actividades (Read the texts and do the activities). A: ¿Qué significan……? (what do the following mean in the text?) Tip: Look at the context from the underlined words. B: ¿A quién se refiere? David (D), Jaime (J), Lucía (L) o Manuel (M). Corrige las frases falsas. (Who does each sentence refer to – David (D), Jaime (J), Lucía (L) or Manuel (M)?). C: Lee los textos otra vez y contesta a las preguntas en español (read the texts again and answer the questions in Spanish). Ejercicio 5: Crea cinco phrases utilizando el vocabulario de la lección de hoy (Create five sentences using the vocabulary from today’s lesson).
KS3 Spanish los números (1-100)

KS3 Spanish los números (1-100)

Scaffolded worksheet on numbers 1-100 with a handout to support. Exercise 1: Empareja el número con el español (match the number with the Spanish equivalent). Exercise 2: Escribe en números lo siguiente (write the following in numbers). Exericse 3: Escribe los siguientes números en palabras (write the following numbers in words). Exercise 4: Completa las siguientes cuentas (complete the following sums). Exercise 5: Completa las siguientes secuencias (Complete the following sequences). ANSWERS ALSO INCLUDED (separate document)
Beginners Spanish - Weather (El tiempo)

Beginners Spanish - Weather (El tiempo)

PPT with a wide range of activities, wordsearch and worksheet based on the topic of “the weather”. By the end of the lesson, students are to be able to confidently describe the weather. Do Now: Unscramble the Spanish cities. Vocabulary games - choral repetition with ample opportunity to meet the new language. Fill-in the gaps with the correct letters to see what they can remember from the choral repetition games. More choral repetition games and then a match-up task for students to manipulate the language. Speaking exercise: Question and answer related to the topic of the weather. Listening exercise: Students are to listen and write down the correct letter. To stretch the more able, they are to also write down the city and the temperature. Reading exercise: Read the texts and answer the questions in Spanish. Worksheet split into 4 parts: Part 1: Put the names of the correct Spanish cities on the map. Part 2: True or false statements. Correcting the false statements using the map for support. Part 3: Translate sentences into English. Part 4: Write four sentences about the weather in their area. Plenary: Translation dictation exercise (teacher to say some in Spanish and students write the English and vice-versa).
KS3 + GCSE French Directions Worksheet

KS3 + GCSE French Directions Worksheet

A double-sided scaffolded worksheet on the topic of directions and reinforcing the **grammar topic of imperatives **with ample opportunity to meet new language, manipulate the language and make language their own. Exercise 1 - Vocabulary (matching-up the French with the English) Exercise 2 - Les impératifs completing the table. Exercise 3 - Translating into English. Exercise 4 - Translating into French Challenge: Creating their own sentences using the vocabulary from the worksheet.
Accommodation KS3 Beginner's Spanish -  PPT, Wordsearch and Worksheet

Accommodation KS3 Beginner's Spanish - PPT, Wordsearch and Worksheet

PPT and scaffolded worksheet suitable for all levels with a main focus on using the vocabulary and manipulating the language on the topic of accommodation in Spanish-speaking countries. Answers to the wordsearch and worksheet are on the PPT. Sections: Part 1: Vocabulary Part 2: Translation (Spanish-English and English-Spanish) Part 3: Reading Comprehension Part 4: Writing
Introduction to Chinese Language and Culture

Introduction to Chinese Language and Culture

PowerPoint introduces some simple Chinese words and greetings with visuals to show some different aspects of Chinese history and culture. Teacher can do a competition to split the class into two teams and the team that pronounces each word/phrase the best will get a point. The team with the most points, wins and gets a special prize. To practise, there is a role play with the pinyin for learners to do with their partner and take it in turns to be A and B. If learners are feeling confident, they can do it without the pinyin too. Materials available: Vocabulary sheet, role play (with Pinyin), role play (without pinyin).
New Year Resolutions - Sorting Activity

New Year Resolutions - Sorting Activity

Learners are given some short phrases that can be printed off and cut-out into strips. They are to work in pairs to sort the short phrases and place them under the right categories. Then, once they are done, they could have a go at translating them from French into English. The aim is to see whether they can recognize and understand how to use the simple present and near future tenses.
¿Qué te gusta hacer? worksheet

¿Qué te gusta hacer? worksheet

A scaffolded worksheet on the topic of likes and dislikes of different activities. Key grammar: “gustar” + infinitive. Includes: Part 1: Vocabulary - matching up the Spanish with the English equivalent Part 2: Grammar: (i) filling in the grid with the correct conjugation of the verb “gustar”. (ii) Filling in the gaps with the correct infinitive. Part 3: Translation: translate the sentences into English.
GCSE Spanish Transport En camino! Worksheet (with answers)

GCSE Spanish Transport En camino! Worksheet (with answers)

A scaffolded worksheet on the topic of transport with the main focus on the key grammar: antes plus an infinitive. Exercises include: Part 1: Vocabulary - matching-up the Spanish with the English Part 2: Matching-up the two halves to form completed sentences. Part 3: Translating the matched-up sentences into English. Part 4: Writing four sentences using the vocabulary and grammar antes de plus an infinitive. Then, translating them into English.
Mi familia y yo worksheet

Mi familia y yo worksheet

A scaffolded worksheet giving students the opportunity to meet the new language, manipulate it and make language their own. The key grammar in this lesson is definite articles and students need to be able to know the gender of family members in Spanish. This worksheet also focuses on developing student’s reading and writing skills. Exercise 1: Sort the members of the family into masculine, feminine and plural. Exercise 2: Translate the family members above into English. Exercise 3: Read the text and answer the questions in English. Exercise 4: Write a paragraph about your familia. Include some of the vocabulary and connectives from today’s lesson. You can use the text as a model from exercise 3 to help you.